At this year's University of Southern California Commencement ceremony, USC President C. L. Max Nikias will confer Honorary Baccalaureate and Honorary Master's degrees on Japanese-American former students who were interned during World War II......
Referred to as Nisei ("second generation" in Japanese, although the term refers to first-generation Japanese-Americans), the students at USC and many other universities were forced to abandon their studies in 1942 when President Franklin Roosevelt ordered the internment of American citizens of Japanese descent and Japanese nationals living along the Pacific Coast.
"We are privileged to honor the accomplishments and the dreams of the Nisei students who are highly deserving of receiving a college degree for the work they have done at USC," said USC President C. L. Max Nikias. "Through the years these students have been among the most passionate and dedicated members of the Trojan Family. We are honored that our Nisei students have an enduring devotion to USC and we want them to know that the university is also devoted to them
Referred to as Nisei ("second generation" in Japanese, although the term refers to first-generation Japanese-Americans), the students at USC and many other universities were forced to abandon their studies in 1942 when President Franklin Roosevelt ordered the internment of American citizens of Japanese descent and Japanese nationals living along the Pacific Coast.
"We are privileged to honor the accomplishments and the dreams of the Nisei students who are highly deserving of receiving a college degree for the work they have done at USC," said USC President C. L. Max Nikias. "Through the years these students have been among the most passionate and dedicated members of the Trojan Family. We are honored that our Nisei students have an enduring devotion to USC and we want them to know that the university is also devoted to them
1. Living former students who were enrolled at USC prior to February 1942 who did not complete their degree at USC as a result of the incarceration of individuals of Japanese ancestry during World War II.
2. If you later completed a degree from USC, even if it was different from the one interrupted by the internment, you are not eligible for this honorary degree but are still welcome to attend Commencement.
3. If you later completed a degree from another university, you are still eligible for this honorary USC degree.
4. If the relative is deceased, USC ill commemorate your relative with a special certificate recognizing them as “Honorary Alumni”.
5. If you will not be able to attend the ceremony in person, indicate that on the application form and the honorary degree will be mailed to you.
6. Click here to complete the application form or call (213) 740-4937 for further assistance.
-Cap and gown arrangements will be made for you.
-The procession begins at 8:30 a.m. and the ceremony at 9:00 a.m., but it is recommend guests arrive by 7:00 a.m. to secure parking and seating.
-Wheelchairs are available for checkout from 6:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. at Commencement. (Checkout is located in front of Widney Alumni House. )
Those receiving honorary degrees or honorary alumni certificates + their guests are invited to attend a special reception following Commencement.
Family members of deceased Nisei students are also invited to the reception.
You will not incur any costs related to Commencement (i.e., registration, cap + gown, diploma, special reception, parking on-campus) but will bear all travel costs.
Contact Grace Shiba
Senior Director, USC Alumni Association
email: nisei@usc.edu
Phone: (213) 740-4937
Source: http://www.usc.edu/dept/pubrel/specialevents/commencement/Nisei.php
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