
The First Easter at Poston


   The first Easter in Poston will always remain a day of cherished memories in the lives of the member of our Christian Church.....

  This desert land provided the setting for this memorable day with beauty all its own. It was begun with the almost necessary function of Easter, the sunrise service in the sandhills.Here we viewed a glorious desert sunrise as our Pastor brought us a stirring message which renewed our faith in the resurrected and living Christ. 

   Breakfast was served in the sands to the crowd of two hundred immediately following the service.  The menu of sandwiches and cocoa was prepared by some ambitious early risers of the group at 4:00 a.m.
      We were very fortunate in having with us on that day, Dr. Frank Herron Smith, who brought to us at the morning worship service challenging message, “Under Fire with the Living Christ….” 

     At 3:00 p.m. on the bank of the Colorado River, a baptismal service was held at which time nineteen members of the church were immersed in the waters of Baptism. 
Lloyd Wake
     Among them was Lloyd Wake, Easter Day, a la Poston, will always loom up as one of the highlights of our desert sojourn.
Rev. Paul Nagano

     Rev. Paul Nagano administered the baptismal rites, and Dave Arata was chairman for the service.One hundred people witnessed the service. 
Maryknoll Catholic Church children
     For the Catholic Easter Service, Maryknoll Chapel was packed with three hundred people, attending the Easter High Mass. The beautiful chant from the tradition of the Catholics was sung by the Maryknoll mixed choir. Father Lavery, the superior of Maryknoll, officiated. The chapel altar was bedecked with Easter lilies grown and also handmade in Poston. 

     Source: Ministry in the Relocation Centers by Lester Suzuki

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