
More photos from the San Francisco screening

Panel discussion following the screening of our film - For the Sake of the Children - on Oct. 22, 2017  in San Francisco sparked meaningful discussion. 


Project Update

              .....Recent visit to our project's 

Poston I Elementary School National Historical Site.....

                            Photo credit: Kenny Ina  (2015)

                                   Photo credit: Marlene Shigekawa

Poston Community Alliance Board members, Marlene Shigekawa, Poston Community Alliance Project Director, and Nancy Takahashi, Graduate Program Director of Landscape Architecture at the University of Virginia's School of Architecture (and her husband) visited our project site in Poston, Arizona. 

                                  Photo credit: Marlene Shigekawa

They reviewed the completion of our "Stabilization of the Adobe Classrooms" Project which included leaving a section of the eroded classroom exterior wall to reveal the internee made adobe bricks.  

                                   Photo credit: Marlene Shigekawa

                                  Photo credit: Marlene Shigekawa

Marlene Shigekawa and Nancy Takahashi met with Barbara Darden, our Preservation Architect; and Charles Goodballet, our contractor; in conjunction with our board member, Darryl Brown, RA of Abbott+Taylor LLC of Scottsdale, Arizona; and worked on creating the installation plans for the inscribed bricks at the Poston Memorial Monument site

                                   Photo credit: Marlene Shigekawa

.....Our Barrack Project.....

                          BEFORE: Spring 2015

                            Photo credit: Kenny Ina 

                                NOW: Fall 2017

                            Photo credit: Marlene Shigekawa

The weeds have been cleared away. They viewed the completed stabilized and re-roofing on our project's barrack.  Our contractor, Charles Goodballet, stabilized our barrack as the tarp had been torn to shreds. (See before picture) What he has applied will help preserve it through the wind and rain!!!  

                                   Photo credit: Marlene Shigekawa

                            Photo credit: Marlene Shigekawa