In November 2013, elderly volunteers from the Poston Memorial Monument Committee drove from Sacramento, California to Poston, Arizona to repair the damaged Poston Monument.
NOTE: The Poston Monument Committee desperately needs 'younger' volunteers who live closer than the charter members, to maintain the site in the future. The current committee members are all in their late 80's-90's !!!
The stolen bronze plaque has been replaced.
The Poston Preservation Historical Project site today.
Poston 1 Elementary School Classrooms

Relocated Poston Barrack
- Master Plan Development for Interpretive Center & Museum $150,000
- Stabilization/Preservation of Eroding Adobe Classrooms Built by Internees $160,000
- Assessment of Historic Structures by Preservation Architect $40,000
- Completion of Documentary Film, "For the Sake of the Children" $25,000
~Make your donation today~