Here's a short video that film maker, Lane Nishikawa created on the 2018 Poston Pilgrimage.
Photo credit: Kimberly Mayo
Kimberly Mayo taking a selfie with filmmaker, Lane Nishikawa at the Le Pera Elementary School Library.
We are actively working to preserve the physical artifacts as well as the stories and memories of life in one of America's concentration camps located at Poston, Arizona. It was named "Poston" or the "Colorado River Relocation Center", located on the Colorado River Indian Reservation during World War II. The Poston Community Alliance is a 501(c)(3)non-profit group.
Here's the news media coverage of the 2018 Poston Pilgrimage. The report missed Marlene Shigekawa's name who was the first to be interviewed, and Jim Namba (not Jim AZ Namba).....
Click on this link below:
Photo credit: Kimberly Mayo
Marlene Shigekawa, Project Manager of the Poston Community Alliance and board member, shown with Miss Indian Arizona, Mariah Jordan Sharpe.
Photo credit: Marty Kobata
Jim Namba, former detainee from Poston camp 2 block 229 and the oldest in attendance at the 2018 Poston Pilgrimage and others from Sacramento arrived in a large van, with driving shared by his friend, John Guilday (show in the driver's seat) and camp 2 descendant, Glenn Kobata.
Photo credit: Marty Kobata
Jim Namba, former detainee from Poston camp 2 block 229 and the oldest in attendance at the 2018 Poston Pilgrimage was interviewed.
Photo credit: Manataba Messenger
Colorado River Indian Tribe Council chairman, Dennis Patch being interviewed.
Click on this link below:
Photo credit: Kimberly Mayo
Marlene Shigekawa, Project Manager of the Poston Community Alliance and board member, shown with Miss Indian Arizona, Mariah Jordan Sharpe.
Photo credit: Marty Kobata
Jim Namba, former detainee from Poston camp 2 block 229 and the oldest in attendance at the 2018 Poston Pilgrimage and others from Sacramento arrived in a large van, with driving shared by his friend, John Guilday (show in the driver's seat) and camp 2 descendant, Glenn Kobata.
Photo credit: Marty Kobata
Jim Namba, former detainee from Poston camp 2 block 229 and the oldest in attendance at the 2018 Poston Pilgrimage was interviewed.
Colorado River Indian Tribe Council chairman, Dennis Patch being interviewed.