
Recent meeting

Here's some pictures from today's Poston Comunity Alliance Board Meeting with the Poston Monumemt Committee in Sacramento....

 John, Jim, and Bob
 John, Sid, Jim, Margie, and Kiyo
 Sid, Jim, Margie, Kiyo, May, Roberta, and Bob
 May, John, and Roberta
Welcome our new Board member, Margie Namba!

1 comment:

  1. Your work is great. My wife, Edith Maeda, was born in 1927 in El Centro California, and is now 88 years of age this Monday. We live in Skokie, Illinois with our son, Jose Luis Glasgow Maeda and near her nephews and nieces, sons and daughters of her deceased sisters, Grace Tatsui and Alice Hashimoto. Her sister, Marvel Miyata and brother in law, Henry Miyata, and their son, Ken Miyata, are deceased. Her brother, Robert Maeda is married to Nobuko Maeda, living in Worcester, Massachusetts at Bridges' Nursing home and their daughter, Kimi Maeda Smith is living in Columbia, South Carolina, producing artistic presentations that can be seen on YouTube. Have you any news of her cousins' families, the Sonoda family? If so, please let us know. We praise your work. Thank you for doing it. Please let us know if Edee's memory of her time relating to 1942-43 at Poston is helpful.


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