
WANTED: Poston Artifacts

 These are some samples of Poston era artifacts

 Scan courtesy of Jo-An Takamoto Sabonjian 

Scan courtesy of Jo-An Takamoto Sabonjian 

Scan courtesy of Jo-An Takamoto Sabonjian

  Scan courtesy of Sandy Hayashi Minner

Poston camp I
Graduation class of 1945

Photo scan found on internet

  Scan courtesy of Sandy Hayashi Minner

 Invitation to Parker Valley High School Auditorium Dedication (Poston III)
Mrs. Pauline B. Brown
 Photo scan found on internet

Parker Valley High School Auditorium Dedication (Poston III)
August 30, 1944
Photo scan found on internet

Poston II High School Program
 Photo scan of cover found on internet

We are collecting artifacts for our future displays. 
We have a few items, but in need for many, many more.


  1. May Matsubara Swanson maybowlaz@cox.netJuly 25, 2012 at 3:23 PM

    I have a copy of Voucher for Per Diem issued to my Father Tom Matsubara dated August 1943. A copy of War Relocation Authority dated September 1944. War Relocation Authority Notice of Decision on Application for Leave August 1944. A March 17, 1944 copy of Colorado River Relocation Project, Poston, AZ. Testimony of Tom Matsubara and Bill Honda regarding conditions at Lewes, Deleware relocation project. A few other copies of letters from the Farmer and my father. Is any of this type of material of interest to the restoration artifact committee?


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