
"Poston Barrack Relocation Challenge"

In 2006, the U.S. Congress established the Japanese American Confinement Sites grant program in 2006 to preserve & interpret the places where Japanese Americans were imprisoned after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. The law authorizes up to $38 million in grants for the life of the program to identify, research, evaluate, interpret, protect, restore, repair, and acquire historic confinement sites.

In May, 2010. the Poston Community Alliance Project, "Poston Preservation Project—Barrack Relocation and Rehabilitation" was awarded funding for $30,000.
Currently, the Poston Community Alliance received a donated Poston barrack (2-tiered roof original) from V. Ramsey. The rapidly deteriorating barrack remains in the town of Parker, AZ, about 17 miles from the Poston Restoration Project site.

Each grant requires a 2:1 Federal to non-Federal match. For example, to receive $2 of Federal funds at least a $1 non-Federal match is required.
The match may be composed of cash or 'in-kind' contributions.
The non-Federal match may be raised and spent during the grant period; it does not have to be “in the bank” at the time of the application.

Today, the Poston Community Alliance is about $2K SHORT of the required "MATCHING funds" required by the Japanese American Confinement Sites grant program.

We need YOUR help now.

We have received a challenge grant from an anonymous donor.
It's called the "Barrack Relocation Challenge".
Every dollar you donate will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $500

Ready...get set.... GO!

All monetary donations are tax deductible.
Make checks payable to: The Poston Restoration Project

Mail to: Marlene Shigekawa, Treasurer
956 Hawthorne Drive
Lafayette, CA 94549

Thank you!
Dianne Kiyomoto
Board Member/Archivist
Poston Community Alliance, Inc.
The Poston Restoration Project
electronic mail: diannerd79 at yahoo dot com

Update: 9/10/10 GREAT NEWS!
With our Barrack Challenge Grant, we now have $500! Let's keep it going---need to get to $2K mark to "move that barrack!"

UPDATE: 9/4/10
So far in just a few days, we have received $275 to meet our Barrack Challenge Grant. Let's keep it up!

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