
Move That Barrack!


We are pleased to announce that your grant proposal, Poston Preservation Project-Barrack Relocation and Rehabilitation, submitted for the Fiscal Year 2010 Japanese American Confinement Sites Grant Program has been selected for funding.

The National Park Service received a total of 42 applications, requesting nearly $7.8 million Federal share, for the Fiscal Year 2010 grant cycle. The proposals reflected a wide range of project types, including oral history, interpretation and education, documentation, planning, preservation, and capital projects. The grants were evaluated and awarded in a competitive process, and matched $2 in federal money for every $1 in non-federal funds and “in-kind” contributions by the grant recipients. A total of 23 projects will be funded for the Fiscal Year 2010 grant cycle.

Kara M. Miyagishima
Program Manager
J-A Confinement Sites Grant Program
Intermountain Region
National Park Service

1 comment:

  1. Robert Hanamura who was in Topaz
    now 2015 lives in San Francisco
    apt 311
    3595 Geary Blvd
    San Francisco, Ca 94118

    415 831-4711


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